The Spring Garden
The Colorblends Spring Garden is closed for the season. It will reopen in the spring of 2025.
The spring garden is located on the south side of the house and occupies about four-tenths of an acre. Unlike many large display gardens, it is of a scale that anyone can relate to.
Less approachable may be the size of the display: Over 17,000 bulbs were planted in the fall of 2014; an additional 25,000 in 2015 and 2016; and 8,000 more each year since 2017. These plantings, the handiwork of Dutch designer Jacqueline van der Kloet in collaboration with COLORBLENDS, are designed to show what is possible with bulbs.
The garden also shows how you can attract birds, bees and other wildlife to your yard. Aging trees, which provide habitat for many birds and small animals, have been spared. A new fruit tree has been planted. An innovative compost pile screens the vegetable garden and provides a haven for birds and insects.
Ideas You Can Use
Whether you want to brighten your front walk, backyard or vegetable garden, whether you want to plant 200 bulbs or 2000, the COLORBLENDS spring garden will show you how to create a great spring display. The plantings exhibit the range of choices in spring-flowering bulbs and give ideas on where to plant them and how to maintain a bulb display year after year.